Mellan människan och han själv
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Akhlah- Jewish Holidayes for Childrens
Games, Arts & crafts, Tradition etc....
Games, Arts & crafts, Tradition etc....
Greeting cards for Rosh Hashanna- By E- mail.
Greeting cards for Rosh Hashanna- By E- mail.
Tu Bishvat kit
Tu Bishvat kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English
Tu Bishvat kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English
Pessach be "Ofarim"
Activities for Pessach and about Pessach's names Stories, Songs and Pessach's songs's melodies Presentation about Pessach Clips and Recipes For young ages...
Activities for Pessach and about Pessach's names Stories, Songs and Pessach's songs's melodies Presentation about Pessach Clips and Recipes For young ages...