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Links to other sites about holidayes
Kever Rachel Imeinu
Kever Rachel Imeinu
Pics, information, etc about Rachel Imeinu on the official site of Kever Rachel.
Links for Memorial day from Zu Shlichut
Links for Memorial day from Zu Shlichut
links to many sites in lots of langueges by ages for Memorial day prepared by the Jewish Agecncy Shlichim Support department in their monthly email "Zu Shlichut"
מי היה הרב נריה
מי היה הרב נריה
info about Rav Nerya from Yeshivot Bnei Akiva site
Jerusaelm on the Jewish Agancy web site
Jerusaelm on the Jewish Agancy web site
ideas and programs about Yerushalayim on the Jewish Agancy educational department web site