Featured Events From June:
25 June, 2006 (29 Sivan, 5766): Capture of Gilad Shalit
7 June, 1981 (5 Sivan, 5741): Opera Operation - distroying the Iraqi Nuclear Reactor
6 June, 1982 (15 Sivan, 5742): The 1982 Lebanon War-The begining
9 June, 1898 (19 Sivan, 5658): Samuel Mohilever-yertziet
30 June, 1947 (12 Tamuz, 5707): Kibutz Sa'ad-The first bnei akiva settlement
Historical Events
> Event
Opera Operation - distroying the Iraqi Nuclear Reactor
Event Details :
Ivri Date: 5 Sivan, 5741
English Date: 7 June, 1981
Relevant Links:
1. a movie about Opera Operation