10. Tevet


10 Tevet

Teach the chanachim about the fight between the jews and the babalonians for Yerushalayim.

Alter: 8-136609 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

10th Tevet

Why do we have asara btevet? Beyond that, why do we have to fast?

Alter: 8-136367 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht
Alter: 8-137126 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht
Alter: 15-10010743 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

A Jewish Lifestyle

v     The chanichim will want to be part of the life that goes on in


v     The chanichim will hear what a Jewish lifestyle in

Israel includes.

v     The chanichim will realize that the Jewish life is happening and if they want to be part of it they should start get ready.

Alter: 12-157484 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Am Yisrael Forever!

מטרת הפעולה:

להמחיש את נצחיות עם- ישראל.

Alter: 10-1514536 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Asara B'tevet - The Seige On Yerushalayim

To teach the chanachim all about Asara Btevet.

Alter: 6-96943 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Asara Btevet Tekes

Teach everyone why we have 10th Tevet and why we fast.

Alter: 6-207237 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Ba During The Holocaust

להציף את העובדה שבני עקיבא הייתה קיימת בזמן השואה וכי אנשים פעלו עם התנועה ועל פי ערכי התנועה.

Alter: 12-1514125 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht
Short Article
Alter: 10-1008069 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht
Alter: 10-10014775 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Empfohlene Links

Tanach Study Center
Tanach Study Center
Shiurim on Chumash, Navi, Chagim and more by Menachem Leibtag. In English and Hebrew.... In Memory of Rabbi Avraham Leibtag
Israel's 60th Independence web site
Israel's 60th Independence web site
activities, photoes, information etc about Israel since 1948 until now
Torah Tots - for Tu Bishvat
Torah Tots - for Tu Bishvat
couloring pages and things for children for tu Bishvat