Between Man and Himself

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I'm Free

Goal: the Chanichim should understand that real freedom doesn’t mean doing whatever you want and having no physical limits. The real freedom is about controlling yourself in a way that makes your soul and spirit free.

Ages: 12-186181 viewsView DetailsView


Aims of the meeting:

 To show the importance of having respect for one’s fellow manTo try and relate the theme to Bnei AkivaTo make the Chanachim aware that Madrachim are human beings with feeling, and they should become more sensitive to other people.

Ages: 8-185040 viewsView DetailsView

Shmah Yisroel

The chanichim should understand some of the basic themes touched upon in the Shmah.

Ages: 7-127396 viewsView DetailsView

There Is No Greater Happiness Then Making A D...

            This peula is her to teach the Chanichim two things one decision making skills.  The second thing they will get from this peula is how it connects to Purim.

It connects because when Esther was asked to go speak to Achasverosh about “law” that was sent out to kill all the Jews of shushan  She had a hard time deciding what to do to put herself first or put her people first and once she made the decision to go and speak to the king everything worked out well.

Ages: 13-176023 viewsView DetailsView

Shevet Name Sicha- Achiya

Goal: This shevet was given this name, davka because it is felt that now is the time in jewish history when division and lack of achdut are the biggest issues, and it is the hope of bnei akiva that the members of this shevet will be the ones to go out to am

Israel and be me’ached it.

Ages: 13-183216 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

Yoni Netanyahu
Yoni Netanyahu
the official site for Yoni Netanyahu
An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.
Leadel- Jewish Leadership
Leadel- Jewish Leadership
videos etc about Jewish Leadreship of then and now