Simcha - Happiness

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9th Grade Adar Peula

Goal: to teach the chanichim some Purim/Adar games!

Ages: 14-1513017 viewsView DetailsView

Everything I Need To Know About Life, I Learn...

To teach lessons in life. To motivate.

Ages: 14-2210258 viewsView DetailsView

I Wish That I Had Duckfeet

To appreciate what we have – our world, who we are and where/how we grew up

Ages: 8-147166 viewsView DetailsView


Goal: The Chanichim will come to see that happiness is not something that can be bought and not something that you can fake. Simcha isn't about achievement and isn't about being who you're not. Happiness is something that comes from within and sometimes we have to look deep inside to find it.

Ages: 9-1211933 viewsView DetailsView

Simcha From The Mekorot

Goals: In this peulah we will try to talk about Simcha and what it really means to us.

Are there reasons for our happiness or for us thinking that we are happy?

How can we make the pressure for happiness less stressful?

Ages: 15-207385 viewsView DetailsView

The Egg

The story about the egg who didn't want to be an egg

Ages: 6-127486 viewsView DetailsView

The Secret Of Simcha

The goal: To cause the chanichim to understand that Simcha doesn't come from the things we buy, and get. It comes from things that we do for ourselves and others.

Ages: 13-159295 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 6-1612865 viewsView DetailsView

Adar & Purim Choveret

חוברת פעולות, רעיונות, הפעלות, לחודש אדר ולפורים

Ages: 10-1632767 viewsView DetailsView

Diffrent Aspects For Happiness

מטרת הפעולה היא למצוא דרכים לשלב את השמחה בחיינו ולהבין עד כמה היא חשובה ואיך ומתי להשתמש בה.

Ages: 13-1631200 viewsView DetailsView

Ideas For Mishlochei Manot

רעיונות למשלוחי מנות

Ages: 10-10032767 viewsView DetailsView

Internal Happiness

מטרה: החניך יבין שלפעמים אנשים לא שלמים עם הזהות שלהם,ולכן הם מנסים לחפש זהויות שונות ע"י כך שישנו את החיצוניות שלהם ולא יטפלו בבעיה השורשית יותר שזה לעבוד על הפנימיות שלהם לכן הם עוטים על עצמם תחפושות שונות.

Ages: 12-1514107 viewsView DetailsView

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An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.
Jewish film archive
Jewish film archive
The Steven Spielberg Jewish film archive
Marking 40 to Jerusalem kit
Marking 40 to Jerusalem kit
A kit to mark 40 years to Jerusalem. Include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Divrey Torah, etc., in Hebrew and English