Gevura - heroizm
35 Heroes In A War
Goal: The chanichim will learn about the lamed hei and deal with problematic situations in a war.
Ages: 12-15 | 7465 views | View |
A Hero Means To Just Be Yourself…
Goal: That the Chanichim will understand the importance of preserving and standing for our ideals and uniqueness as individuals and a nation, and see the connection to the “Mityavnim” –the Jews that assimilated with the Greeks.
Ages: 8-12 | 13943 views | View |
Being A Hero-individual Heroism
Goal: That the Chanichim will understand that being a hero is not about how strong you are, we can be heroes every day in our life, all the people that we are looking up to became what they are thanks to the little things that they taught themselves to do.
Ages: 14-18 | 10385 views | View |
Chanuka--what Really Happened There
Teach about the Gevura of the Maccabim, as well as about the story of Chanuka
Ages: 8-12 | 12047 views | View |
Eli Cohen Says Shmah Israel
Goal: Power of saying Shema
Ages: 8-12 | 8303 views | View |
Eli Kohen & Shimshon
To show the chanachim that through Jewish History there are many examples of heroes who were examples of physical gvurah.
Ages: 4-6 | 5095 views | View |
From Greece To Rome: The Intermediate Years
To learn about Jerusalem’s leadership in between the rules of Greece and Rome. To learn about the Essenes and their unique way of life.
Ages: 10-13 | 4695 views | View |
Gevura-ami Tzur
The goal of this Peula is to discuss some aspects of Gevura with the kids, but we are also trying to let them get to know each other, so it’ll have the characteristics of an ice breaker.
Ages: 12-16 | 3729 views | View |
Giborim- Macabim
Goals: Teach about the Gevura of the Maccabim, as well as about the story of Chanuka
Ages: 10-15 | 5805 views | View |
Giborim- Masada
To teach about the heroism that occurred at
Masada, and about the history of that event.
Ages: 9-13 | 8306 views | View |
Giborim-the Lamed Hey
Teach the story of the Lamed Hey
Ages: 8-12 | 12064 views | View |
Recommended Links
videos etc about Jewish Leadreship of then and now
the official site for Yoni Netanyahu