Bnei Akiva
The First Peula- Zach
The chanichim will have fun ,meet the group and the madrich
The chanich will come again to the next activity.
The chanich will get gain information about rosh hashana.
Ages: 12-14 | 5422 views | View |
The Importance Of Names
Aims OF Peula:
· To learn that each name has a meaning
· To learn about the life of Rabbi Akiva
· To think about what names say about a Person and why we are called Bnei Akiva
Ages: 8-15 | 8610 views | View |
Bnei Rabbi Akiva
To discuss why our tnua is named after Rabbi Akiva, to review the meaning
behind Bnei Akiva rites and rituals.
Ages: 9-13 | 9204 views | View |
Be A Part Of It!
1. To generate the feeling that they are part of something larger than just their local snif . Bnei Akiva is really a worldwide organization.
2. To generate excitement in Bnei Akiva so that the chanichim will want to take part in tochniot.
Ages: 10-12 | 6124 views | View |
Bnei R Akiva
Goal: To discuss why our tnua is named after Rabbi Akiva, to review the meaning
behind Bnei Akiva rites and rituals.
Peulah: You know your kvutza (e.g. whether they are active, contemplative, etc.) – select ONE of these peulot and adapt it as appropriate. You may be able to get through both peulot but more likely, one will take up the majority of your time, and you do want to save some time for going through and explaining the “rites” and “rituals”
Ages: 10-16 | 8971 views | View |
Recommended Links
Essays Regarding the Religious Significance of the Modern State of Israel
Some writings of Rav Kook in English