Torah VaAvoda
Am I Doing Enough
To get the Chanichim thinking about the ways people help Israel. Maybe find ways for them to help even more then they do today.
Ages: 8-12 | 8618 views | View |
Ages: 16-22 | 13257 views | View |
Bnei Akiva Today And Tomorrow
To discuss the involvement of the chanich in Bnei Akiva today and in the future
Ages: 14-17 | 6644 views | View |
Bnei Akive--what's All The Fuss About?
To learn some sources about the way the Torah expects us to live.
Learning how the Torah VaAvodah Ideology is a clear message from the TorahUnderstanding the need to live in
Israel in order to keep the ideology.
Ages: 6-14 | 7458 views | View |
Kadima Bnei Akiva
1.The Chanich will recognize the Tnuah (Movement) for its history and its function today.
2.The Chanich will Recognize the Tnuah’s values and will understand the meaning of the Semel and the Sisma (slogan)
3.The Chanich will understand and recognize the important meaning and function that we have and will feel he belongs to something.
Ages: 8-12 | 5877 views | View |
The First Peula- Zach
The chanichim will have fun ,meet the group and the madrich
The chanich will come again to the next activity.
The chanich will get gain information about rosh hashana.
Ages: 12-14 | 5422 views | View |
The First Snif- Alef
The chanichim will have fun ,meet the group and the madrichThe chanich will come again to the next activity.The chanich will get gain information about rosh hashana.
Ages: 9-12 | 4739 views | View |
Torah Va’avodah
To learn some sources about the way the Torah expects us to live.
To understand the purpose of our life style
To find the ideal way of life
Ages: 15-18 | 6326 views | View |
Torah Va’avodah In Eretz Yisrael
¨ To understand the difference between Galut and Geulah.
¨ To help the Chanichim understand what living in Israel means according to our ideology.
¨ To make sure the Chanichim believe the Derech of Torah Ve’Avodah is correct.
¨ To help the Chanichim feel confidant and proud of the Bnei Akiva ideology.
Ages: 15-18 | 5375 views | View |
Torah V'avoda Today
To discuss the applicability of Torah Va'Avoda today and in spheres other than agriculture. How is it practiced and why is it important?
Ages: 14-17 | 3999 views | View |
Torah V'avodah
that the CHANICHIM will understand what are BNEI-AKIVA’s main ideals and why r they coming
Ages: 6-8 | 14757 views | View |
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