Youth Movement

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All For One And One For All the sentence “all for one, one for all “

                                      יהי כבוד חברך חביב עליך כשלך" " the Bnei Akiva semel puzzle.

Ages: 7-1210043 viewsView DetailsView

Bnei Akiva In A Nutshell

Aleph: To learn as to what Bnei Akiva is all about! To learn about the semel and its significance. To understand what exactly is Torah ve’Avodah?

 Bet: To understand what exactly is Torah ve’Avodah?

Ages: 12-137251 viewsView DetailsView

Happy Birthday-bnei Akiva

The Chanichim should learn basic and important information about Bnei Akiva and identify and understand a bit more about Bnei Akita’s values and ideals.

Ages: 8-147645 viewsView DetailsView


Inform chanachim about mifkad to give them more understanding of this ritual.

Ages: 9-157992 viewsView DetailsView

The First Peula- Zach

The chanichim will have fun ,meet the group and the madrich

The chanich will come again to the next activity.

The chanich will get gain information about rosh hashana.

Ages: 12-145416 viewsView DetailsView

The First Snif- Alef


The chanichim will have fun ,meet the group and the madrichThe chanich will come again to the next activity.The chanich will get gain information about rosh hashana.

Ages: 9-124733 viewsView DetailsView

We Didn't Start The Fire

For the chanichim to realize that they should be and stay strong in their ideology and convictions

Ages: 14-165896 viewsView DetailsView

Yad Achim

A fun way for us to help our chanichim/ot to think about (and maybe even learn) the words of Yad Achim.

Ages: 6-98883 viewsView DetailsView

Yad Achim Peula


To learn the Bnei Akiva anthemTo see how many important messages are in the song.To discuss some of the dilemmas that are hidden in the anthem.To play some fun group dynamics games

Ages: 8-145393 viewsView DetailsView

And What Have You Done For Torah Ve'avodah?


ערכי העשייה שמשתנים מעת לעת בעטיין של התמורות שחלות במרוצת הדורות, מותירים אותנו, נוער שמנסה להגשים ולתרום לבניין העם והארץ, מבולבל חסר מעש ותוהה, האם עדין ישנו קשר בין הרעיונות שמייצגת הסיסמא תורה ועבודה ובין דרכה המעשית. למה, אם כן, הפער קיים? האם אפשר אחרת?  

מטרות הפעולה:

1.        לאבחן את מצבו של הנוער בבנ"ע, האם הוא מגשים בחייו את מטרת תו"ע?

2.        להבין שאנחנו, כיחיד וכשבט, יכולים לתרום להגשמת ערכי תו"ע.

Ages: 10-1513013 viewsView DetailsView

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