Am Yisrael

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Seder--shfoch Chamatcha

To show that there are mixed messages in the haggada, the overall message being that we must have compassion for everyone in the world, even those who do not have compassion for us.

Ages: 8-129542 viewsView DetailsView

Sanctity Of Life - Pkuach Nefesh

To introduce the topic of Kiddush Hashem; to understand the high value we put on life; To learn about Pikuach Nefesh

Ages: 6-132701 viewsView DetailsView


Background:  Chaluziut is loosely translated as “pioneering” but we will see how the definition can be sharpened.

Goals:The chanichim will be able to define what Chaluziut is.   They will compare the original definition given in Tanach to how modern Zionisim defines “the Chalutz.”  Different characteristics of “the Chalutz” should be discussed.  Does being a Chalutz describe one aspect of life, or is it a philosophy of life?  To what extent are we Chaluzim?  The chanichim will also be able to give examples of individual Chaluzim who have impacted


Ages: 13-158399 viewsView DetailsView

Global Bnei Akiva

To teach the chanichim about global Bnei- Akiva and to show them that each country and each snif may seem different, but underneath the language and culture barriers we all work together for the same goals and ideals… Aliyah, Torah, teamwork.

Ages: 12-158121 viewsView DetailsView

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The Religious Zionism Debate
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