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A Little Too At Home...

The chanichim will recognize the powerful influence the culture we live in has on our lives, and on our values.

Ages: 14-189127 viewsView DetailsView

Am I Doing Enough

To get the Chanichim thinking about the ways people help Israel. Maybe find ways for them to help even more then they do today.

Ages: 8-128611 viewsView DetailsView


To learn that each one of us is a part in a whole body that includes Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael. (And our goal is to keep the Torah)

To understand that if we don’t have any part of Am Yisrael or Eretz Yisrael then it’s as if we are missing a part of our own body.

Ages: 8-126411 viewsView DetailsView

Kibbutz Galuyot--introduction To The Unit

To further emphasize the reasons and importance of Aliya, teach a little about Bnei Akiva as a worldwide movement

Ages: 9-149958 viewsView DetailsView

Modern Maccabee

The Chanichim will learn 4 aspects of the Maccabim that we need to emulate in our day:

1.      The Torah is meant to infuse every part of our lives as individuals and as a nation.

2.      In everything we do, we can’t just leave it up to Hashem, we have to also put in our own effort

3.      We need to stand up for our beliefs, even when many others might not agree.

4.      We need to realize the importance of Jewish sovereignty- of being in charge of our own destiny

Ages: 8-126063 viewsView DetailsView

Or Lagoyim


(1)    The chanichim will discuss the different ways in which one can fulfill the role of being an Or Lagoyim.

(2)    The chanichim will realize that they can affect change in the world, and will think of an Or Lagoyim project that they can implement in Camp this summer.

Ages: 12-158353 viewsView DetailsView

Or Lagoyim- “a Light To The Nations”


To begin to teach the meaning of the term Or lagoyim= the Jewish people as a nation have an obligation to act together in a way that presents the positive lessons of Judaism such as compassion, justice and charity (the qualities we learn from Avraham Avinu and sefer bresihit). We do this so that to make the world a better placeTo teach the chanichim/ot that by working together as a group (as a nation) one can have a greater influence and impact than by acting alone.

Ages: 6-1413596 viewsView DetailsView


Goals: Aleph: To show that racism is wrong. To learn about the unfairness of stereotyping.

Bet: To learn about racism from a Jewish perspective To understand the idea of a chosen people

Ages: 8-144998 viewsView DetailsView

Shevet Lavi Sicha-strong Like Lions

The chanichim should understand the meaning of their shevet Lavi – that we should act like lions by being strong morally in our personal lives, and by fighting back and being strong as a nation.

Ages: 14-173951 viewsView DetailsView

The Connection To Eretz Yisroel

The goal:

To open up the subject of living in Israel, as appose to support Israel.

Get the Chanichim to think about how they feel about the subject personally, or even come to a wider conclusion thinking about Jews living in Israel, and their own part in Israel- financial, spiritual, physical, or maybe, all of them together.

Ages: 14-184976 viewsView DetailsView

The Importance Of Am Yisrael In Eretz Yisrael

To learn that each one of us is a part in a whole body that includes Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael. (And our goal is to keep the Torah)

To understand that if we don’t have any part of Am Yisrael or Eretz Yisrael then it’s as if we are missing a part of our own body.

Ages: 8-124519 viewsView DetailsView

Zionism In Chutz La’aretz

The chanichim will realize the complexity and the different sides of the issue of who is a real Zionist. Namely, that an American sending money to support the State of Israel, though important, today may not be considered by everyone to be a real Zionist.

Ages: 8-125988 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

The Religious Zionism Debate
The Religious Zionism Debate
Essays Regarding the Religious Significance of the Modern State of Israel