Rosh HaShanna

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Akeidat Yitzchak

To learn the story of Akeidat Yitzchak

To understand that Akeidat Yitzchak took place on what is now known as Har Habayit.

To discuss the issue of faith and trust in both Hashem and other people in relation to Akeidat Yitzchak and our everyday lives

Ages: 8-1512686 viewsView DetailsView

Blink Of Eye- Rosh Hashanna

סרטון קצר על בחירה בחיים

Ages: 10-179115 viewsView DetailsView

Chazara B'teshuva

"Chodesh Elul" is the month of remorse and "Chazara Betshuva" - this month prepares us for a new beginning starting "Rosh Hashanah

Ages: 8-1311526 viewsView DetailsView

Elul Snake Quiz

To review about chodesh elul

Ages: 10-1212824 viewsView DetailsView

How And Why Do We Daven? - Rosh Hashana

To teach a little about why, when and how we say tefila

Ages: 9-118795 viewsView DetailsView

How And Why We Daven?

To teach a little about why, when and how we say tefila

Ages: 6-138233 viewsView DetailsView

How To Get There

Each goal that we want to achieve in life starts with one step. And when we start doing that one step and G‑D sees that we are trying, he helps us achieve our goal. For example‑ in order to do "Chazara Betshuva" we can start by doing one good thing, that shows G‑D that we are trying, and from there on he will help you

Ages: 8-139343 viewsView DetailsView

Ideas For Activities- Starting The Year And C...

All ages should have a chance to: get to know their Shevet and their Madrichim, hear what the plans for the year are and have a fun event so that they will want to come back for more.

Ages: 10-1511869 viewsView DetailsView

Importance Of And How To Do Teshuva

To remind the chanichim about the importance of Teshuva and teach them a few halachot of Teshuva.

Ages: 9-116823 viewsView DetailsView

Importance Of And How To Do Teshuvah

To remind the chanichim about the importance of Teshuva and teach them a few halachot of Teshuva

Ages: 6-134956 viewsView DetailsView

Importance Of Tzadakah

Teach the kids about tzedaka, how it’s done, why it’s important.

Ages: 6-134377 viewsView DetailsView

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