Yom Kippur

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Chazara B’tshuva

Subject- נושא

A different way to look at “Chazara b’tshuva”

goal- מטרה

To show that “Chazara b’tshuva” is not just to regret the things that you did, but it is to return to yourself and see if you are fulfilling your purpose in life.

Ages: 5-5013806 viewsView DetailsView

Chazara B'teshuva

"Chodesh Elul" is the month of remorse and "Chazara Betshuva" - this month prepares us for a new beginning starting "Rosh Hashanah

Ages: 8-1311519 viewsView DetailsView

How To Get There

Each goal that we want to achieve in life starts with one step. And when we start doing that one step and G‑D sees that we are trying, he helps us achieve our goal. For example‑ in order to do "Chazara Betshuva" we can start by doing one good thing, that shows G‑D that we are trying, and from there on he will help you

Ages: 8-139334 viewsView DetailsView

Peula - Yom Kippur

Teach the chanachim about teshuva and non-jew's views towards such a thing.

Ages: 8-155924 viewsView DetailsView

Shmah Yisroel

The chanichim should understand some of the basic themes touched upon in the Shmah.

Ages: 7-127389 viewsView DetailsView


To teach a little about why, when and how we say tefila

Ages: 8-128299 viewsView DetailsView

Ten References To A Sound

different Mekerot (sources) that refer to the use of the shofar at various important moments in the history of the Jewish people.

Ages: 14-175714 viewsView DetailsView

The Tshuva Process

The chanich will pass the process of Tshova- The 5 steps.

Ages: 10-145327 viewsView DetailsView

Tishrey Trivia

30 Q about Tishrey & the holidays

Ages: 10-144071 viewsView DetailsView

"slach Lanu"- Yom Hakipurim

O     החניך יבין את החסד הגדול שעשה איתנו הקב"ה בכך שנתן לנו את האפשרות לחזור בתשובה.

O     החניך יפנים שסליחה אמיתית היא סליחה הנובעת מהלב ומתוך כך יראה כיצד חוזרים בתשובה באמת.

O     החניך יחוש את קדושתו של יום הכיפורים ע"י הכרת חמשת האיסורים.       

Ages: 6-1021530 viewsView DetailsView

7 Boom


להבין שהחזרה בתשובה זה לא בום גדול וחד-פעמי, אלא תהליך של התקדמות יומיומית איטית ועלייה מתמדת.

Ages: 12-1516975 viewsView DetailsView

Between Man & God


1. החניך יבין מה מידת הקשר שאמורה להיות בנינו לבין אבינו שבשמיים.

2. החניך יבדוק כיצד הוא מרגיש לגבי עולמו הדתי והאם הוא מרוצה ממנו.

3. החניך יבין שעליו ללמוד ולהעמיק כדי להתחבר לעולם התורה.

Ages: 15-1714857 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

many activities for shabbat-games, summary for this week's Parshat Shavua and coloring pages for Shabbat & Parshat Shavua.
Ohr Somayach- Chanuka
Ohr Somayach- Chanuka
History, stories, laws (Mitzvot) & alot of articles about chanuka
archive movies about Israel
archive movies about Israel
170 movies in different subjects, before & after the establishing of medinat Israel
Hasbara Info
Hasbara Info
Neil Lazarus's Hasbara Web Site
Diffrent quiz about Israel