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7th Of Adar- Moshe Rabbenu

Goal: We can learn a lot form Moshe Rabbenu, even by looking at the stories that we all know and remember from when we were young.

Ages: 9-1211213 viewsView DetailsView

9th Grade Adar Peula

Goal: to teach the chanichim some Purim/Adar games!

Ages: 14-1513017 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article

Alcohol On Purim

 Yom Kippur is a day like Purim (Yom K – Purim), yet the two days could not be more diametrically opposed.

Ages: 13-209335 viewsView DetailsView

Hagada For Purim

A Hagada for Purim

Ages: 15-10010395 viewsView DetailsView

How To Start Shuk-purim???

How to start Shuk-Purim???

* First of all, don’t panic!

Ages: 7-177658 viewsView DetailsView

Ideas For Purim Carnival

Running a Purim Carnival can be a great way to bring the fun—and some of the facts—about Purim home to the kids in your community.

Ages: 6-3020066 viewsView DetailsView
Source Sheet

In What Sense Is Purim Different Than Other D...

Ami: There is something I don’t understand about Purim. It’s so different than any other Chag. In all our festivals, we feel the spirituality in the air, mainly because certain secular actions are prohibited. But on Purim – nothing is prohibited. Some people even go to work on Purim. If there is no work prohibition prohibited on Purim – what makes it different than any other day?”

Ages: 15-207273 viewsView DetailsView

Parashat Para Aduma

Goal: To teach about Para Aduma

Ages: 10-1711991 viewsView DetailsView

Parashat Zachor- Amalek

Goals: Discuss Amalek, their history, and the relevant mitzvot relating to them.

Ages: 13-179397 viewsView DetailsView

Purim Jeopardy

Jeopardy game for Purim

Ages: 6-1210976 viewsView DetailsView
Play / skit
Ages: 10-1006563 viewsView DetailsView
Play / skit

Purim Play

A humorous play for Purim about the Megila

Ages: 10-10016964 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

Jafi- Purim
Jafi- Purim
Purim Activities & Programming, The History, Concepts, Language & Geography of Purim, Megillah and Mitzvot Focus, Feminine Perspectives on Purim