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Moshe Rabbeinu

1. To learn Moshe's family life and background

2. To consider about the life and times of Moshe Rabbeinu

3. To understand that Moshe Rabbeinu was the greatest Jewish leader… ever!

Ages: 4-87487 viewsView DetailsView

Shabat Shira- Yam Suf And Singing

Teach about the nature of Yam Suf, and a little about how song can reflect our religious nature.

Ages: 7-148001 viewsView DetailsView

9th Grade Adar Peula

Goal: to teach the chanichim some Purim/Adar games!

Ages: 14-1513017 viewsView DetailsView

Peula – The Bigdei Kehuna


To learn about the Bigdei Kohen Gadol (Garments of the Kohen Gadol)

Ages: 9-1715324 viewsView DetailsView

The War Against The Jews

Aims OF Peula:

·        For the chanichim to have a better and clearer picture of the history of the Holocaust.

·        For them to realise that ALL Jews were persecuted regardless of what country they were in during the Second World War occupation.

·        To see that Nazi Germany made special laws against the Jews.

Ages: 8-188738 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

ICMIS-The International Coalition for MIS
ICMIS-The International Coalition for MIS
The Israeli MIAs website, with all 8 MIAs and chronology note- the website has not been updated since July 2005.
Lag Baomer-k
Lag Baomer-k
Stories songs articles presentations short movies information activities and work sheets about "Lag Baomer" "Sfirat Haomer" Bonfires Rabbi Akiva and Bar Kochva