Group Dynamics

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"all For One And One For All"

Goal:  Proving to the chanichim that we should be “all for one and one for all”.  Working together is usually the best solution.

Ages: 6-1410365 viewsView DetailsView

A Number Of Frogs

To encourage teamwork, To improve communication skills, To listen to each other.

Ages: 4-68172 viewsView DetailsView

All For One And One For All the sentence “all for one, one for all “

                                      éäé ëáåã çáøê çáéá òìéê ëùìê" " the Bnei Akiva semel puzzle.

Ages: 7-1210043 viewsView DetailsView

As One Man With One Heart

Goal: the Chanichim should understand the importance of being united as a Bnei-Akiva group and of course as a nation.

Ages: 9-159416 viewsView DetailsView

Atzmaut – Is It A Torah Value?

Atzmaut – is it a Torah value?

Ages: 10-1512624 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-185808 viewsView DetailsView

Ben Adam L'chavera - Kol Yisrael Areivim Ze L...

A peula with this theme does not present a difficult concept for chanichim to take in. But there should be more depth to it that just “being nice to each other” games. Snif should end with a feeling of caring about other people.

            But such a peula could work on several levels – dealing with the following:

i.                     Our responsibilities towards our friends

ii.                   Our responsibilities towards those people we know or know about who are less fortunate than ourselves (e.g. the elderly)

iii.                  Our responsibilities to less fortunate Jews in other parts of the world

Ages: 9-114616 viewsView DetailsView

Chavraya (aleph)

To teach the chanachim the main events of Parshat Vayechi and hwo to work together through a Treasure Hunt.

Ages: 8-126800 viewsView DetailsView


Proving to the chanichim that we should be “all for one and one for all”.  Working together is usually the best solution.

Ages: 4-67376 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-184009 viewsView DetailsView

Different Strokes For Different Folks

Teach about Jewish Leadership: Harav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, ZT”L

Ages: 5-1512311 viewsView DetailsView

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