Bein Adam l'Chavero

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Jews And People Of The World

To identify those areas in which we can learn from our non-Jewish teachers and acquaintances, as well as the limits we must place on our interaction with these individuals

Ages: 6-159867 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-1712399 viewsView DetailsView

I Care!!!

The goal:

Each day we find people that don’t care enough about things around them.

Your Chanichim will understand, that we have to learn to take care about the people around us, and to think about them sometimes, like we want them to think about us. If we want a healthy and good society, we have to work on our Midot! .

We need to pay attention not only for our self’s, and family. We need to pay attention also for people that we don’t know, and to take care for them, too.

The Chanichim will understand, that to take care isn’t only in the big things, it is also in the little things, during the day, and we need to get use to this idea….

Ages: 8-115120 viewsView DetailsView

Bein Adam Lachavero

the subject of snif this week is “Ben Adam l’chavero.” This is interaction between one (wo) man to another (wo) man. We’re supposed to talk about how one little action can effect our lives is an extremely dramatic way. Although a little action can have from very little to no affect on somebody’s life at all whatsoever, it is our job to stress the fact that it can.

Ages: 10-136373 viewsView DetailsView

Jerusalem And Unity

To teach the chanichim about the essential nature of unity in Jerusalem

Ages: 8-146982 viewsView DetailsView

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kef kef kef
This website has been created to enable youth groups from around the world to have a central place in which to store, collect and share games. The goal of the games is to unify the children. Examles for games; beat it, samurai, concentration and more.
An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.
This site is built to allow leaders to share programmes and also to act as an archive of programmes that have been written previously. The site includes programmes on: jewis identity, Zionism, alyiah, israel and games