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The goal:

To understand, that the giving is something, that you can’t leave without it, and you have to have it. Each one has the Midah of “Netina” , in himself, but you can make your Midah much bigger. It all depends on you.

Ages: 11-1812807 viewsView DetailsView


The goal:

To understand, that the giving is something, that you can’t leave without it, and you have to have it. Each one has the Midah of “Netina” , in himself, but you can make your Midah much bigger. It all depends on you.

Ages: 10-1513162 viewsView DetailsView

A Story Of Two Brothers

ììîã òì àäáú çéðí

Ages: 7-1416605 viewsView DetailsView


To make the chanichim aware of caring for their closet circle

To help the chanich identify what values he cares about most.

Ages: 7-128473 viewsView DetailsView




this peulah we start with the most basic of topics-friendship and how we relate

to others. Though it is the most basic, however, this topic is still among the

most important in the lives of Jews of all ages. As Rabbi Akiva said, “V’Ahavta

L’Reiacha Kamocha-Hu Klal Gadol BaTorah”. By instilling the value of proper

friendship and mitzvot bein adam l’chaveiro in our chanichim we are giving them one of the most important gifts they

will ever receive.


To learn what it

means to be a good friend. To present the idea of a chevrah and its importance

and to instill the value of treating every person as we would like to be


Ages: 10-149423 viewsView DetailsView

Giving To Others Not Only When It’s Comfortab...


The chanichim will understand the importance of giving to others not only when it’s comfortable and easy for them but also when it’s hard and they need to sacrifice of ourselves for others.

Ages: 14-1713206 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 6-207970 viewsView DetailsView

I Care!

The goal:

Each day we find people that don’t care enough about things around them.

Your Chanichim will understand, that we have to learn to take care about the people around us, and to think about them sometimes, like we want them to think about us. If we want a healthy and good society, we have to work on our Midot!

We need to pay attention not only for our self’s, and family. We need to pay attention also for people that we don’t know, and to take care for them, too.

The Chanichim will understand, that to take care isn’t only in the big things, it is also in the little things, during the day, and we need to get use to this idea….

Ages: 10-164347 viewsView DetailsView

Importance Of Tzadakah

Teach the kids about tzedaka, how it’s done, why it’s important.

Ages: 6-134377 viewsView DetailsView

Importance Of Tzedakah - Rosh Hashanah

Teach the kids about tzedaka, how it’s done, why it’s important.

Ages: 9-116196 viewsView DetailsView

Making Time Count

Goals: 1. Awareness of the idea of Jewish Responsibility. 2. Awareness of the practical options and possibilities through which we can actualize our relationship with other Jews. 3. Understanding that responsibility can not be fulfilled with money alone.

Ages: 12-204083 viewsView DetailsView



Understand and explore the characters from a non-Israeli starting point.Invest a sense of encounter with young Israelis and enable participants to feel at ease with them.


Role play with the Israeli character bouncing off the members of your group.

Ages: 10-184428 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

many activities for shabbat-games, summary for this week's Parshat Shavua and coloring pages for Shabbat & Parshat Shavua.
Tanach Study Center
Tanach Study Center
Shiurim on Chumash, Navi, Chagim and more by Menachem Leibtag. In English and Hebrew.... In Memory of Rabbi Avraham Leibtag