Ages: 10-18 | 11232 views | View |
Atzmaut – Is It A Torah Value?
Atzmaut – is it a Torah value?
Ages: 10-15 | 12631 views | View |
Biblical Leadership Shiur/sicha
The point of this shiur is to teach the chanichim about various leadership qualities, and to show them examples in Tanach where these leadership skills are used by different characters. Therefore the goals of this shiur are threefold:
To discuss with the chanichim various traits a leader should possess and why these traits are so crucial.
To use the examples in Tanach as jumping off points for discussing contexts when these traits should be put into use. Try to think of other examples in their lives where this particular leadership trait would need to be employed.
To show the chanichim how the Tanach is not boring, but active and engaging, full of situations and characters that we can relate to and identify with. The characters in Tanach should be seen by the chanichim as “leader role models” that they can identify with and strive to imitate.
Ages: 13-15 | 9618 views | View |
Background: Chaluziut is loosely translated as “pioneering” but we will see how the definition can be sharpened.
Goals:The chanichim will be able to define what Chaluziut is. They will compare the original definition given in Tanach to how modern Zionisim defines “the Chalutz.” Different characteristics of “the Chalutz” should be discussed. Does being a Chalutz describe one aspect of life, or is it a philosophy of life? To what extent are we Chaluzim? The chanichim will also be able to give examples of individual Chaluzim who have impacted
Ages: 13-15 | 8412 views | View |
Devora Hanevia
Teach the story of Barak and Devora
Ages: 9-11 | 6827 views | View |
Ages: 10-15 | 7808 views | View |
Functions Of A Shul
Learn the functions of a shul through the use of the Rambam and his commentries and to learn the differences and similarities between a shul and the Beit Hamikdash.
Ages: 16-18 | 7382 views | View |
Ages: 13-100 | 9793 views | View |
Introduction To A Beit Knesset
To introduce the topic of Beit Knesset and cover the basics of the shuls and its avrious functions and halachot.
Ages: 16-18 | 4848 views | View |
Kedusha Of A Shul
Kedusha of a Shul (a)To learn that a shul has kedusha but this is a concept that has to be explained. Kedusha has to do with a Sefer Torah.
Kedusha of a Shul (b)Learn the different comentators point of view of kedusha in a shul (Ramban, Ran, Rambam)
Kedusha of a Shul (c)Learn the differences between a shul and a Beit Hamikdash
Ages: 16-18 | 4675 views | View |
Modern Maccabee
The Chanichim will learn 4 aspects of the Maccabim that we need to emulate in our day:
1. The Torah is meant to infuse every part of our lives as individuals and as a nation.
2. In everything we do, we can’t just leave it up to Hashem, we have to also put in our own effort
3. We need to stand up for our beliefs, even when many others might not agree.
4. We need to realize the importance of Jewish sovereignty- of being in charge of our own destiny
Ages: 8-12 | 6071 views | View |
Peula – The Mishkan, (for Parshat Truma Or Va...
To learn about the keilim in the Mishkan and where they were placed.
Ages: 9-15 | 12167 views | View |
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Tora resources & transelation for the Tanach & others in English!
Comices about the "Parasha"
Divrey Torah, Parashat Shavua and articles. Information and updates according to the jewish calendar