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Peula – The Bigdei Kehuna


To learn about the Bigdei Kohen Gadol (Garments of the Kohen Gadol)

Ages: 9-1715320 viewsView DetailsView

Peula Parashat Ki Tisa

That the chanichot should appreciate that Tefillah is an important part in our relationship with Hashem, and that when we daven, and during our lives, Hashem is right there in front of us

Ages: 12-146505 viewsView DetailsView

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

1. To learn this story of Avraham2. To think about how much more our actions say, than our words3. Micro - macro. Bettering oneself will ultimately lead to bettering the world.

Ages: 12-136013 viewsView DetailsView

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