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Edad: 7-186789 visitasView DetailsVer
Edad: 15-10010731 visitasView DetailsVer
Edad: 14-186512 visitasView DetailsVer

Anti-semitism And The Holocaust


1. You will begin to understand the nature and uniqueness of the Holocaust.

2. You should be able to begin to understand the enormity of the "war" against the Jews.

3. You should begin to understand that the Shoah was perpetrated by human beings - normal people who were fathers, mothers, architects, lawyers, engineers, doctors, church-goers, cultured people.

Edad: 8-189215 visitasView DetailsVer
Edad: 10-1813782 visitasView DetailsVer

Ba During The Holocaust

להציף את העובדה שבני עקיבא הייתה קיימת בזמן השואה וכי אנשים פעלו עם התנועה ועל פי ערכי התנועה.

Edad: 12-1514112 visitasView DetailsVer

Deprogramming The Masses Since 1547

To show the Chanichim the importance of keeping the memories of Holocaust survivors alive and learning the arguments of Holocaust deniers and how to refute them.

Edad: 12-159533 visitasView DetailsVer

Emuna After The Holocaust


לדון בבעיית האמונה שהתעוררה בעקבות השואה.

Edad: 14-2014578 visitasView DetailsVer
Articulo corto

From The Diary Of Donia Rosen

A short article for Yom Ha'Shoaa

Edad: 12-10010587 visitasView DetailsVer
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God Died In Auschwitz

שני הקטעים- "מות האלוהים" של חיים חפר והתגובה "אלוהים לא מת באושוויץ" של ישראל וולמן

Edad: 15-3015199 visitasView DetailsVer

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