Todo > Historia
Edad: 10-19 | 4562 visitas | Ver |
Edad: 10-19 | 3088 visitas | Ver |
Edad: 10-19 | 6913 visitas | Ver |
Jerusalem A Traves De La Historia
La época antigua (1000-3800 A.E.C), Los patriarcas, Exodo y asentamiento, Ioshua Bin Nun, La época de los reyes - el período del primer templo (586-1000 A.E.C), El Rey David, La conquista de Jerusalem por el rey David , Ciudad internacional, Fortaleza de Jerusalem, Los profetas , Monarquia dividida , El primer exilio , El retorno a Sion - principios del período del segundo templo (536 - 164 A.E.C), Tres "inmigraciones", La nueva fortaleza, La época de los helenistas y jasmoneos (333 A.E.C - 37 E.C)... hasta 1967-1997 Jerusalem Centro cultural.
Edad: 10-25 | 3513 visitas | Ver |
Edad: 7-18 | 6793 visitas | Ver |
Enlaces Recomendados
a site that collects many Peulot
a site that collects many Peulot
many types of activities for Sukkot like colouring, building a Sukkah etc;
many types of activities for Sukkot like colouring, building a Sukkah etc;
We will remember all of them
Name list of all the soldiers who were killed in the israeli wars, their pictures and their life stories. Missives and letters to the bereaved famlies from "Sar Habitachon" (The security minister) Information about Yom Hazikaron Haklali
Name list of all the soldiers who were killed in the israeli wars, their pictures and their life stories. Missives and letters to the bereaved famlies from "Sar Habitachon" (The security minister) Information about Yom Hazikaron Haklali