
Our Jerusalem

מטרות הפעולה:

החניכים יבינו את הערך של ירושלים כערך מרכזי בעם היהודי וכמורשת לדורות.

החניכים יבינו את הערך של ירושלים כחלק מהם המהווה כמיהה לעיר וכחלק בלתי נפרד מהם.

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I Care!!!

The goal:

Each day we find people that don’t care enough about things around them.

Your Chanichim will understand, that we have to learn to take care about the people around us, and to think about them sometimes, like we want them to think about us. If we want a healthy and good society, we have to work on our Midot! .

We need to pay attention not only for our self’s, and family. We need to pay attention also for people that we don’t know, and to take care for them, too.

The Chanichim will understand, that to take care isn’t only in the big things, it is also in the little things, during the day, and we need to get use to this idea….

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