
Redeeming Captives

1. To learn about the mitzvah of Pidyon Shevuyim

2. To think about the 8 Israeli MIAs

3. To consider what we can do to help the MIAs and fulfill the mitzvah of Pidyon Shevuyim

Edad: 6-136198 visitasView DetailsVer

Yom Ha'atzmaut - What Does It Really Mean?

To deal with

Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s national independence day and make sure they know about it.

Edad: 6-133279 visitasView DetailsVer

Physical Gevurah

Goal: The Chanichim will learn about 2 people: Eli Cohen the Isreali spy and Shimshon. They will understand why we can call them heroes.They will understand what it means physical  Gvurah. Introduction: Throughout Jewish History there are many examples of heroes who were examples of physical gevurah.  We are going to focus on a couple of individuals.

Edad: 8-126192 visitasView DetailsVer

Israel! Or Maybe Not?!

Goal-to teach the chanichim that the only place for the Jewish people is in


Edad: 10-182727 visitasView DetailsVer


Enlaces Recomendados

Jerusalem on Matal
Jerusalem on Matal
a collection of ideas and links about Yerushalayim
Hamas Children
Hamas Children
A Movie from YouTube about the Hamas Children
Bar/Bat Mitzva from Daat
Bar/Bat Mitzva from Daat
Ideas for Bar/Bat Mitzva programs