- 6 January, 1983 (21 Tevet, 5743): establshed-Neve Dekalim
- 9 January, 1935 (5 Shvat, 5695): Kibutz Hadati movement was estarblished
- 16 January, 1948 (5 Shvat, 5708): Lamed He the convoy of the 35 brave soldiers that were on their way to Gush Etzion
- 17 January, 1991 (2 Shvat, 5751): Operation Desert Storm in Iraq started
- 20 January, 1998 (22 Tevet, 5758): Zvulun Hammer - Aזלשרש
- 20 January, 1917 (26 Tevet, 5677): Avshalom Feinberg from NILI was killed
- 21 January, 1882 (1 Shvat, 5642): Establish of bilu movement
Destruction & Redemption
Goals: The chanichim will understand that even though we morn the חורבן, חורבן in itself is the first step of the גאולה.
leeftijden: 13-16 | 8371 bekeken | bekijken |
leeftijden: 10-18 | 2341 bekeken | bekijken |
Hamedina - Mossad
Familiarize the chanichim with the achievements of the Mossad, the Israeli Intelligence Network; Illustrate some of the skills needed to be a Mossad agent.
leeftijden: 8-13 | 3336 bekeken | bekijken |
leeftijden: 10-19 | 4311 bekeken | bekijken |
leeftijden: 10-18 | 2056 bekeken | bekijken |
Aanbevolen Links
Operation against Hamas, in Gaza
Allkinds of links about the operation, Humanitarian issues, Hamas, methods and information, Israeli victims.
Allkinds of links about the operation, Humanitarian issues, Hamas, methods and information, Israeli victims.
The Judaism site
Divrey Torah, Parashat Shavua and articles. Information and updates according to the jewish calendar
Divrey Torah, Parashat Shavua and articles. Information and updates according to the jewish calendar