
Remembering The Holocaust

The chanichim will appreciate the importance of speaking to Holocaust survivors and learning their stories in order to continue the memory of the Holocaust.

leeftijden: 7-145008 bekekenView Detailsbekijken

Liberating The Wall

The following two stories of Israeli soldiers, who participated in the liberation, exemplify how the Wall has touched the hearts of Jews throughout the ages.

leeftijden: 10-188776 bekekenView Detailsbekijken
Korte Artikelen
leeftijden: 1-503839 bekekenView Detailsbekijken


Goal:  To examine the concept of z’chira as it derives from TaNaCH and how collective memory shapes us as a nation

leeftijden: 10-176181 bekekenView Detailsbekijken
leeftijden: 10-182215 bekekenView Detailsbekijken


Aanbevolen Links

Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie
Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie
סרט לזיכרו של רחבעם זאבי
Tishrey kit
Tishrey kit
Tishrey kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English
Hamas Children
Hamas Children
A Movie from YouTube about the Hamas Children
OU- life cicle
OU- life cicle
Links to sites about each holiday.