
Zeev Jabotinsky

Les h’anih’im doivent savoir qui était Zeev Jabotinsky en sortant de Peoula.

leeftijden: 10-153142 bekekenView Detailsbekijken

Hatikva, What It Means To Me

That the Chanichim should understand the meaning of our country and the importance of the hope. Another goal is for them to understand the meaning of the national anthem of our land.

leeftijden: 12-1410623 bekekenView Detailsbekijken
leeftijden: 10-158244 bekekenView Detailsbekijken

What Is The Jewish Identity?

Topic: What is Jewish identity 2

Goals: To pass on the message that Judaism is both a religion and a nationality – that’s our essential body of our identity.

leeftijden: 6-144575 bekekenView Detailsbekijken

Yad Achim

We are holding a birthday bash!!!!!! The theme of all the activities will be Yad Achim. By the end of snif each chanich/a (and madrich/a) should have a better understanding of the meaning and origin of Yad Achim and its importance.

leeftijden: 7-146535 bekekenView Detailsbekijken


Aanbevolen Links

Hasbara Info
Hasbara Info
Neil Lazarus's Hasbara Web Site
Amit- Purim
Amit- Purim
What is Adar? Songs, games, mitzvot & other stuff about Purim.