Deprogramming The Masses Since 1547
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Deprogramming the Masses Since 1547
By David Zurndorfer
Noseh: Yom HaShoa and Holocaust Denial
1. The chanichim should realize the importance of keeping the memory of the Holocaust going, after all the survivors have passed on.
2. The chanichim should understand how dangerous and sneaky Holocaust Denial can be.
Chevraya: Bet
Read the attached passage about the Earth. (found at the end of the Peula) about the Flat Earth Society
Sicha: After you or the chanichim have read the passages, (and they’ve finished laughing, or making faces) ask them if they think these were made up or were they actually written. In fact, they were written by real people who actually believe what they wrote. Pretty ridiculous what some people will believe, right? Can you prove to me that the Earth is round? Unless they know advanced physics, the chanichim will not be able to prove this. So if you cant prove they it, why do you believe it? They may give various answers here. You should direct them to the idea of “Mesorah”. For instance, Galileo and other physicists proved scientifically that the Earth was round. They passed this idea around to others until almost everyone believed that the Earth is round. We believe it nowadays, because others before us were able to prove it. They passed it onto their children, and the process repeated itself until it reached us. It’s amazing that some people can still deny such an obvious fact, and it seems just plain silly. Unfortunately, it is not the only “obvious” fact that people deny nowadays. There are some people who deny that the Holocaust even happened. And these people are doing it in a much more sophisticated manner than you think. Can you laugh this off as easily as the Flat Earthers? This information is from a scary site called (the Institute for Historical Review- sound very academic, doesn’t it?):
Split the chanichim into pairs. Each one should get one of the following statements (they’re in cut-outable form at the end of the peula), read it, and take some time to think up a rebuttal.
1. Notwithstanding the capture of literally tons of German documents after the war, no one can point to documentary evidence of a wartime extermination order, plan or program.
2. At the postwar Nuremberg Tribunal, the Allies charged that the Germans exterminated four million people at
3. Many thousands of secret German documents dealing with
4. It is often claimed that all Jews at
5. The Holocaust extermination story is superficially plausible. Everyone has seen the horrific photos of dead and dying inmates taken at
6. Jewish historian Arno J. Mayer, a
7. Cremation specialists have confirmed that thousands of corpses could not possibly have been cremated every day throughout the spring and summer of 1944 at
For example, Mr. Ivan Lagace, manager of a large crematory in
Leuchter is the foremost specialist on the design and installation of gas chambers used in the
Have the chanichim read out their statements, and present their arguments. Other chanichim should contribute additional arguments if they can think of them, or challenge whether the arguments presented are good. How well are we able to formulate rebuttals against these things? Some thing to point out- their technique is 1) to very selectively quote. They especially like to quote Jews, because is adds legitimacy. At some point in the website, they quote the former Chief Rabbi of
Here’s another quote to read from the same website, where the Holocaust deniers talk about what they think is the motivation behind the Holocaust hoax.
The perpetual Holocaust media blitz is routinely used to justify enormous American support for
The sophisticated and well-financed Holocaust media campaign is crucially important to the interests of
Jewish history teacher Paula Hyman of
What is this really about? What do they hope to undermine by undermining the Holocaust?
Today’s Holocaust deniers seem to aim to legitimize the state of
What should we do to combat this?
Right now there are people who experienced the Holocaust first hand and are willing to tell everyone their story. However, the generation that lived through the Holocaust is passing on, and soon enough, unfortunately, there won’t be any first hand witnesses. They will not be able to tell their stories to those around them. Then how will people know what happened in the Holocaust? Can we assume that they will just read about it? We must take this responsibility upon ourselves to gather as much information from the Holocaust survivors, so we can be the ones to pass it onto the next generation. We must not forget and make sure that others do not forget as well. We must make sure that the lies that are being spread around do not continue to spread around anymore. We must remember what happened to six million Jews who were living comfortably in a land that was not theirs. Although we hope that nothing of this sort ever happens again, we must always be aware that many Jews, including ourselves, “comfortably” live in a land that is not theirs’. We must realize that living in a land of our own, with our own army, is the only way to guarantee our future existence. Never again will we be subject to the whims of those around us.
The Flat Earth Society
Rightly wishing to dispel notions regarding the alleged citrus-like shape of our planet, the Church was able to either silence or execute nearly all the fanatics. But a small handful remained, continuing to spread their blasphemous speeches and to promote their heretical ideals involving the very center of the universe. One of their number, who called himself Grigori Efimovich, would later be known to the rest of the world as Christopher Columbus. Using an elaborate setup involving hundreds of mirrors and a few burlap sacks, he was able to create an illusion so convincing that it was actually believed he had sailed around the entire planet and landed in the
Enter the Flat Earth Society. For over five hundred years humanity has believed the "round Earth" teachings of Efimovich and his followers. But all hope is not lost. For through all that time, a small but diligent band of individuals have preserved the knowledge of our planet's true shape. And now, after centuries in the Dark Ages, we believe that mankind as a whole is once again ready to embrace the truth that has forever been the Flat Earth Society. Using whatever means are deemed necessary and relying heavily on a callous disregard for the lives and well-being of our members, we have slowly but steadily been spreading the news.
But why? Why do we say the Earth is flat, when the vast majority says otherwise? Because we know the truth.
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