All For One And One For All
Peula - Atividade
O tamanho do grupo:
Tempo estimado:
minutos the sentence “all for one, one for all “
éäé ëáåã çáøê çáéá òìéê ëùìê" " the Bnei Akiva semel puzzle.
1.2 Bnei Akiva semel puzzle, cut into 6 pieces.
2.the words of the 2 sentences, each word on a different paper.
The game:
Split the chanichim into 2 groups. After every task you give the chanichin, the group that finished first gets a word from her sentence.(each group has her own sentence).in addition, both groups gets a peace of a Bnei Akiva semel puzzle after every task.
After the tasks, the groups build the complete semel.
The group who discovered all the words of her sentence wins.
Tasks for the groups:
1.the group has to line up in order of their birthdays.
Step 2 – line up again without talking.
2.cucumber game:
Stand in a circle, one kid in the middle. The others pass the cucumber behind their backs without the middle kid seeing; when he is not looking they take a bite.
Objective: finish the cucumber. If middle kid sees, the game is over.
3.chairs –
Every person has a specific physical problem: blind, gimp...and the group must stand on a row of chairs and get to the other side of the room without touching the floor.
4.count to 10
The group has to count to ten. If anyone says the same number at once you must start over.
5. Build a human pyramid out of your group.
6.each kid has a puzzle piece. They have to put the pieces together but one kid is told not to give up his piece. The kids get frustrated.
Talk to them about the way they chose to solve the problem.
Add and change the games and fit them to your group.encorage the competition and make it fun!!!
We want to make Bnei Akiva stronger. It starts with cooperation and coming to sniff...
We are a group and we must help each other and strength all the meanings of áéï àãí ìçáøå.
Don’t forget to explain both sentences to the chanichim.
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