Peula / aktivitet

Ideas For Activities- Starting The Year And C...

All ages should have a chance to: get to know their Shevet and their Madrichim, hear what the plans for the year are and have a fun event so that they will want to come back for more.

Alder: 10-151035 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet

Tzionut Class #1-tsfat

Emphasizing 2 of the more prosperous eras of the city, the 16th century and the capture of the city in

Israel’s war of independence.

Alder: 12-155547 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet

Dynamic Of Exclusion



Permitir a los janijim,  experimentar conscientemente, el excluir y el ser excluido. Confrontar los sentimientos que genera la exclusión. 

Alder: 10-153517 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet


Review some of the basic parts of the Israeli Army; Stress the impact that Tzahal has on every Jew.

Alder: 7-105696 visningarView DetailsVisa

G.16. Adverb Game

A rule game that can be puzzling and funny, or a good warm-up for a main activity.

Alder: 10-182245 visningarView DetailsVisa


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Pbase- The Sigd photo
pics from the Sigd
This site is built to allow leaders to share programmes and also to act as an archive of programmes that have been written previously. The site includes programmes on: jewis identity, Zionism, alyiah, israel and games