Peula / aktivitet

Following Jerusalems Liberators

מטרה: הכרת אירוע במורשת היהודית והישראלית. הצגת דמויות היכולות להוות מודל לחיקוי.

Alder: 11-153339 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet


To make the chanichim aware of caring for their closet circle

To help the chanich identify what values he cares about most.

Alder: 7-128467 visningarView DetailsVisa
Alder: 10-182339 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet

Tu Bishvat Races

Goals: To refresh the chanichim's memory about Tu B'Shvat

Alder: 8-126104 visningarView DetailsVisa
Peula / aktivitet


Que los janijim conozcan las halajot de Januká (más específicamente, del encendido de la janukiá)

Alder: 6-205211 visningarView DetailsVisa


Rekommenderade länkar

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kef kef kef
This website has been created to enable youth groups from around the world to have a central place in which to store, collect and share games. The goal of the games is to unify the children. Examles for games; beat it, samurai, concentration and more.
Lag BaOmer -MATYA
Lag BaOmer -MATYA
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Akhlah- Jewish Holidayes for Childrens
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