They Built Our State
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To teach the chanichim as much as possible about the people who influenced the state of
GOAL-to teach the chanichim as much as possible about the people who influenced the state of
INSTRUCTIONS-1.put each individuals picture in a corner of the room. In the middle of the room spread the piece’s of paper. Tell-to teach the chanichim as much as possible about the people who influenced the state of
2.the game “Trivia”-divide your chanichim into two groups.the point of the game is to get 4 cards one from each color , the group that does that first wins.each color is a different person,when you land on a certain color you pick up a card that color.
áðéîéï æàá äøöì
* Was born in
* When the Anti- Semitism increased in
Jewish state.
* Was elected president of the World Zionist Organization in the first congress in
* Described his ideal in the book “The Jewish State” , 1896.
* Died at the age of 44, 1904.
ãåã áï-âåøéåï
* Was born in
* On
* At on
.îìçîú äòöîàåú * He served as Minister of defense during
* In 1960 he resigned from the government and left to Sde- Boker, a new kibbuts in the
îðçí áâéï
* Was born in
* Volunteered to join the polish brigade, accompanying it to
* Was elected Prime Minister in 1977.
* His greatest achievement was signing of the peace treaty with
For this he awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
* He removed Israeli settlement from Sinai for the sake of peace with
* He resigned in 1983.
éöç÷ øáéï
* He joined the Palmach, commanded the Harel Brigade in the war of independence and served as chief of Staff from 1964 to 1968.
* Was elected to Prime Minister.
* In 1995 signed an interim Israeli- Palestinian agreement.
áðéîéï æàá äøöì
| Where was he born? |
Because the anti-Semitism increased in | Why did he feel a need for a jewish state? |
In the first congress in | Where was he elected president of the world Zionist organization? |
In 1896 | When did he describe the ideal of the jewish state? |
1904 at the age of 44 | What year did he die? |
1860 | What year was he born? |
Journalist | What was his profession before becoming a congress man? |
ãåã áï- âåøéåï
1886 | When was he born? |
1971 | When did he die? |
| Where was he born? |
Heder | When he was a child he went to a______ |
1960 | When did he resignfrom the government? |
îìçîú äòöîàåú | During what war did he serve as minister of defense? |
At on may 14th 1948 | When did he proclaim the establishment of the state of |
îðçí áâéï
1913 | When was he born? |
Brisk, | Where was he born? |
1942 | When did he come to |
He was elected to prime minister. | What happened in 1977? |
Signing of the peace treaty with | What was his greatest achievement? |
1983 | When did he resign? |
He removed Israeli settlement from Sinai. | What did he do for the sake of peace with |
éöç÷ øáéï
1922 | When was he born? |
An interim Israeli- Palestinian agreement. | What did he sign in 1995? |
He was assassinated. | What happened in November 4, 1995? |
In Tel- Aviv. | Where was he murdered? |
During the war of independence. | When did he command the Harel Brigade? |
From 1964 to 1968. | When did he serve as chief of staff? |
73 | How old was he when he died? |
» All > Eretz Yisrael > The State of Israel
» All > History > Towards Establishing a state 1890-1948
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