Peula - Atividade


To remind the chanichim about the importance of Teshuva and teach them a few halachot of Teshuva.

Idade: 8-124774 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

The Connection Between Am Yisruel & Eretz Yis...

מטרת הפעולה: התלמיד יבין (ויחוש) מדוע כה חשוב שתהי'ה לנו ארץ ומדינה משלנו.וכן, התלמיד יבין מדוע חשוב שזו תהי'ה דווקא ארץ ישראל ולא אף ארץ אחרת.

Idade: 10-1210753 ViewsView DetailsVista

About Chanukah

A short  PTT about what Chanukah is all about, Why do we light candles, etc.

Idade: 10-156882 ViewsView DetailsVista
Idade: 10-182210 ViewsView DetailsVista

Homeland In Isarel

Goal: 1. The Chanichim will understand that the homeland of Am Israel is in Eretz


          2. The Chanichim will understand that when we are not in Eretz Yisrael our      qualities are not good as they can be in


Idade: 10-123385 ViewsView DetailsVista


Links Recomendados

Hashomer Hatzair
Hashomer Hatzair
the site includes activities, pictures, updates, parshat shavua, the history of Hashomer Hatzair and more.
Lag BaOmer -AMIT
Lag BaOmer -AMIT
Information and Stories abot Lag BaOmer Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochay Lag BaOmer Trivia
Pbase- The Sigd photo
pics from the Sigd