Idade: 10-182387 ViewsView DetailsVista
Idade: 1-505057 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade


Just as G-d is creative so to we should be creative. How can we add to this world? What can we as teenagers accomplish?

Idade: 14-177888 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

A Light To The Nations

Grades 1-3

Goal:       1. to begin to teach the meaning of the term Or Lagoyim= the Jewish people as a nation have an obligation to act together in a way that presents the positive lessons of Judaism such as compassion, justice and charity to people who are not Jewish so the world as a whole can become a better place.

2. to teach the chaninchim/ot that by working together as a group (as a nation) one can have greater influence and impact than by acting alone Grades 4-8

Goal:  to begin to teach the meaning of the term Or Lagoyim= the Jewish people have an obligation to create a society that reflects the high moral standards of truth, honesty, compassion and justice that Judaism teaches, and this society should be a model for and influence all the nations of the world.

Idade: 6-157827 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade



Que el janij conozca que es la Aliá. Que vea las diferencias entre las razones por las cuales se hacía aliá antes y ahora. Que se cuestionen la Aliá

Idade: 8-154791 ViewsView DetailsVista


Links Recomendados

About Rav Nerya on BA Israel
About Rav Nerya on BA Israel
things about Rav Nerya
Edu- Negev- Tu Bishvat
Edu- Negev- Tu Bishvat
A worksheet for Tu Bishvat
ICMIS-The International Coalition for MIS
ICMIS-The International Coalition for MIS
The Israeli MIAs website, with all 8 MIAs and chronology note- the website has not been updated since July 2005.