
Holocaust Oil

At the conclusion of every 16-hour work day in the hell called

Bergen-Belsen, the block commander liked to have some fun with his Jews.

Idade: 10-1007636 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

The Macabim & Me

החניך יבין שסיפור גבורת המכבים שלא נכנעו  אלא נלחמו בגבורה ושמרו על דתם קשור לגבורה הפנימית היומיומית של כל אחד מאתנו.

Idade: 12-148528 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

The Privet Tefila

שהחניך יבין כי הוא צריך להכניס את החלק האישי שלו בתוך התפילה

Idade: 8-107149 ViewsView DetailsVista
Idade: 10-192468 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Chutes And Yaacov's Ladder

Goal: To review the story of Yaacov and his dream and some trivia about

Israel, and of course to have fun!!

Idade: 1-128322 ViewsView DetailsVista


Links Recomendados

National Photo Collection
National Photo Collection
For the first time on the internet, in honor of Israel's jubilee, the State of Israel's national photo collection is open and available to the general public! Years of events, people, landscapes, peace and war, industry and culture...
KKL- Tu Bishvat
KKL- Tu Bishvat
3 peulot for tu bishvat
Mearaat Hamachpela In Chevron
Mearaat Hamachpela In Chevron
Great site about the cave of Mearat Hamachpela with educational metirials and a vertial tour
Succot from Kipa
Succot from Kipa
Shiurim and educational ideas about Succot