Idade: 10-182255 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Hakamat Hamedina - Ma'apilim

Explain that before the State of Israel, Jews had to be smuggled into

Israel, emphasize the desire of the Jews for a homeland, and the effort it took to achieve.

Idade: 6-138796 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Art- 3d


החניך יבין את משמעות המושג תלת מימד בהתאם לתקופות השונות.

Idade: 7-124574 ViewsView DetailsVista

Living With Dignity In A World Gone Insane


1. You will learn that resistance during the Holocaust took many forms.

2. You will develop an awareness of conditions under which resistance is feasible.

3. You will study what types of resistance took place and where.

4. You will learn of the conditions under which survivors lived, and how incredible any resistance at all might have been.

5. You will understand the obstacles to Jewish resistance during the Holocaust.

6. You will be able to use your March experience, to cite specific instances of heroic resistance by Jews during the Holocaust despite incredible odds.

7. You will be able to respond appropriately to the accusation that Jews went to their death like "sheep to the slaughter."

8. You will understand and be able to support the position of "Survival as Resistance."

9. You may redefine what the word "resistance" means to you now.

Idade: 13-184928 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Yehudah Maccabee And Peer Pressure

Goal: The chanichim should appreciate how both Yehuda Maccabee and Mizrachi (Religious Zionists) faced opposition on both fronts to their actions, but they believed what they were doing was emet and stuck to their beliefs and were not swayed by other people’s opinions.

Idade: 8-123965 ViewsView DetailsVista


Links Recomendados

Petition for Israel's Kidnapped and Missing Soldiers
Petition for Israel's Kidnapped and Missing Soldiers
ICMIS is launching an international campaign to gather at least 1,000,000 signatures on an Internet petition in support of Israel's kidnapped and missing soldiers and their families.