Peula - Atividade

Gush Katif

מטרת הפעולה:

החניך יכיר את גוש קטיף ויתחבר לרגשות של תושביו בזמן המאבק ולאחר הגירוש.

החניך ילמד מסיפור גוש קטיף שיעור ומסרים לחיים.

Idade: 13-159561 ViewsView DetailsVista
Premio - Recompensa

Hanuka Food

מתכונים לחנוכה- סופגניות, לביבות, ממתקים ועוד!

Idade: 1-1009775 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

The Power Of Speech

Goals: Aleph:1. To learn about Lashon Hara

                        2. To understand that speech is precious

Bet: 1. To understand the power that speech holds

                     2. To learn about the dangers of Lashon Hara

Idade: 7-176322 ViewsView DetailsVista
Idade: 6-10027467 ViewsView DetailsVista
Shiur - Aula

Ten References To A Sound

different Mekerot (sources) that refer to the use of the shofar at various important moments in the history of the Jewish people.

Idade: 14-175714 ViewsView DetailsVista


Links Recomendados

World Tu B'shvat event- Hagshama
World Tu B'shvat event- Hagshama
Who wants to be a Millionaire game, a real one on tu b'shvat!!!!amazing!
site with ideas for teachers
Greeting cards for Rosh Hashanna- By E- mail.