Peula - Atividade

Rabbanut Rashit

Teach the Chanichim about the jobs of the Rabanut HaRasheet and how it effects the State of Israel.


Idade: 6-1310996 ViewsView DetailsVista
Idade: 10-169063 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Dreams Can Come True

1. To think about the importance of dreams

2. To consider the changes throughout Herzl's life and his dream

3. To consider how we all need to dream and work to allow our dreams to become reality

Idade: 12-139564 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

The Knesset

Goals: Identify the different components of the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament; Introduce the chanichim to some of the Prime Ministers who have goverened Israel.


Peula “Forming a Coalition”

Games – review the names of Prime Ministers and other aspects of the Knesset.

Story: “She Fought for Peace” – the story of Golda Meir

Idade: 10-183726 ViewsView DetailsVista


Links Recomendados

Stories & songs about Chanuka in English & Heberw
Pesach-Judaism 101
Pesach-Judaism 101
Information about Pesach and "Lel Haseder" Translation to English of the "Seder's" songs + files of the songs
Matach site- Tu Bishvat
Matach site- Tu Bishvat
History about Tu Bishvat