Idade: 10-184822 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

The Reign Of Shlomo


To learn about the reign of Shlomo

To discuss the centrality of the Beit Hamikdash to the Jewish people

To discuss perfection in relation to Shlomo’s reign

Idade: 6-123961 ViewsView DetailsVista

Taf Peulah

Teach chanachim about independence of Israel

Idade: 6-92427 ViewsView DetailsVista

Ideas For Games For Chanuca

משחקים חברתיים בלי מסר על חנוכה שרק אפשר ללמוד עליהם מילים שקשורים לחנוכה:

Idade: 6-1821462 ViewsView DetailsVista

La Importancia De Agradecer

aprender a agradecer

Idade: 6-206557 ViewsView DetailsVista


Links Recomendados

many activities for shabbat-games, summary for this week's Parshat Shavua and coloring pages for Shabbat & Parshat Shavua.
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Petition for Israel's Kidnapped and Missing Soldiers
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Lag BaOmer
Lag BaOmer
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