Peula - Atividade

Yom Ha'atzmaut

To teach the chanichim basic things about

Israel that they are familiar with but do not know enough about.

Idade: 9-135373 ViewsView DetailsVista

Commitment At 18?


Explore implications of community commitment at an age when most Israelis are going into the army. Validate different approaches and attitudes. Create a sense of shared destiny.


Use of a new selection of roles from the Diaspora; closed response options and interpretation of their significance.

Idade: 10-182439 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Questions On Identity

Preguntas sobre Identidad

 1) ¿Cuál fue le hecho más importante que te marco como judío? Amarillo: Mi bar/bat MitzvaAzul: el haber vivido o visitado IsraelRosa: el brit mila o el haber nacido judíoVerde: el antisemitismo en mi país o que percibí desde otros países.Naranja: otros


Idade: 5-252268 ViewsView DetailsVista
Idade: 10-503644 ViewsView DetailsVista


Links Recomendados

An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.
Free Pollard
Free Pollard
A site with info and facts that support the call to Free Jonathan Pollard
Minhal-Tu Bishvat Seder
Minhal-Tu Bishvat Seder
A full Tu Bishvat Seder