
60 To Israel- Education System

הסרט מכיל עובדות על מערכת החינוך בישראל באנגלית

Idade: 12-177090 ViewsView DetailsVista

Medina Baderech- Game

מטרות הפעילות:

א. הילדים  ילמדו כיצד ומי הקימו את המדינה

ב. בילדים ירכשו ידע בנושאים: המחתרות, ההעפלה, ההתיישבות והציונות.

Idade: 8-154374 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade


Goal:  To get the chanichim to think about:

            1-the challenges of Aliyah throughout history in different generations, from the time of Olei Bavel until today, and what lesson can be taken for our lives. 

            2-the specific hardships encountered by the immigrants detained in Atlit and why their situation was particularly difficult and historically important.

Idade: 15-178567 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade


To teach the chanachim that For most of us, to get to

Israel all we have to do is get on a plane.   It wasn’t so easy for most of our history, though.  For many years, Jews were not allowed in.  Sometimes it is hard to appreciate how hard it was for so many people now living in Israel to make Aliyah (and maybe how comparatively easy it is for us?).

Idade: 8-134722 ViewsView DetailsVista


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