Peula - Atividade

Just Another Kosher Symbol? - Israel's Chied ...

As members of Bnei Akiva it is important to remember that we are Zionists. What is often forgotten, though, is that we represent the type of Zionism described as religious Zionism. That means that the Torah and all that it stands for is the central theme of our lives, whether or not we happen to be in

Israel. Since Torah should be the dominating feature of any society we want to live in, religious leadership and the guidance and supervision is crucial to being a successful society built on the right foundations. This snif will delve into the importance of having religious leadership, specifically in

Israel and in the form of the chief Rabbinate (Rabbanut Harashit).

Idade: 6-157305 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Jerusalem Of Yehuda Amichay

להכיר צדדים שונים של ירושלים דרך שיריו של יהודה עמיחי

Idade: 18-10011568 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

La Patience

Les ‘hani’him doivent en sortant de la péoula maîtriser les évènements de la Tora dans lesquels il s’agit de patience ou d’impatience, et comprendre l’importance de ne pas être impatient.

Idade: 7-166565 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Activity Zionism To Chanij

Meta: El Chanich podrá explicar la necesidad de Israel para asegurar la supervivencia física de la gente judía.

Categoría De Edad: Amelim/Chotrim

Idade: 6-145387 ViewsView DetailsVista


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