Peula - Atividade

Tanach Queestions

חידון התנ"ך

על ספר שמואל א' ועשרה פרקים ראשונים של שמואל ב'

Idade: 13-159258 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade


The goal:

The main communication between two people- is Hakshava- listening.

During the day, when every-one runs from one place to another, when we feel we have to do a-lot of things, we don’t listening. We are hearing, but we aren’t listening. Not to ourselves, and more then that, not to the others.

We hope, that this Peula, will open a little-bit the understanding of the Chanichim to listen more to each other, and it will bring our little neighborhood, and area, to be more patient, to hear, and to listen to the others.

Idade: 12-167423 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Remembrance And Renewal-yom Ha'atzmaut (sicha...

The chanichim should leave the sicha understanding

(1)   The power of Yom Ha’atzmaut – how all these different Jews came together to fight as an Am and why it was it was so important for the Jews in 1948 to have an independent Jewish State.

(2)   The battle for Yom Ha’atzmaut applies to us today and we can only truly appreciate it when looking at it as part of a cycle of the hardships of Jewish History (Yom Hashoah and Yom HaZicaron).

Idade: 12-145378 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

How To Tell A (good) Story

to teach the chanichim how to give/tell a successful story

Idade: 14-161331 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

The Intention Behind The Giveness

Acaso ustedes conservan las tarjetitas que viene con los regalos de cumpleanos? O simplemente guardan los regalos en el placard y se olvidan de las dedicatorias por completo?

En esta peula queremos dejar en claro que el hecho de dar no empieza con el acto en si mismo sino con la intencion que se esconde detras de el- cuanto me importan mis amigos-.

Acaso somos sensibles con nuestros amigos (de la kbutza) y prestamos atencion a su estado de animo??

Acaso entendemos que ante todo es importante que mi amigo sienta que me importa, y entonces es cuando nos damos cuenta que podemos entregar cosas muy pequenas que esconden una gran intencion…

Idade: 6-163907 ViewsView DetailsVista


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