Peula - Atividade

The First Peula- Zach

The chanichim will have fun ,meet the group and the madrich

The chanich will come again to the next activity.

The chanich will get gain information about rosh hashana.

Idade: 12-145416 ViewsView DetailsVista
Idade: 10-189078 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Am & Eretz Unity

מטרות הפעולה:

- שהחניכים ילמדו את מושג העם היהודי כעם וכפרט ואת השילוב בין השניים.

- שהחניכים יבינו שלמרות שאנו שונים מאוד זה מזה, אנו אחים בני עם אחד.

- שהחניכים יראו את החשיבות של האחדות בעם ישראל ( התבססות על קשרי אחים בתורה).

Idade: 15-1813831 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Tu Bishvat & Rosh-pinna

that the Chanichim will understand how deep is the connection between Am-Yisrael and Erets-Yisrael and how trees are helping to that connection and making it stronger. The city that we are going to talk about called Rosh- Pinna one of the best examples for people who got connected to their land through trees.

Idade: 10-123694 ViewsView DetailsVista

Peoula Sur Tsahal Et Les Guerres D’israë...

But : A travers  des épreuves de rapidité, de stratégie et de force, mettre les hanihim le temps d’une peoula dans la peau de Hayalim, et leurs faire découvrir les différentes guerres d’Israël.

Idade: 7-154523 ViewsView DetailsVista


Links Recomendados

Links for Memorial day from Zu Shlichut
Links for Memorial day from Zu Shlichut
links to many sites in lots of langueges by ages for Memorial day prepared by the Jewish Agecncy Shlichim Support department in their monthly email "Zu Shlichut"
Hashomer Hatzair
Hashomer Hatzair
the site includes activities, pictures, updates, parshat shavua, the history of Hashomer Hatzair and more.
MFA movies for Memorial day
MFA movies for Memorial day
a few quality movies for Yom HaZikaron