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Proving to the chanichim that we should be “all for one and one for all”.  Working together is usually the best solution.

Ages: 4-67374 viewsView DetailsView
Play / skit

Kollel Play

Teach the chanachim the story of Yaakovs dream and how Hashem promised us the land of Israel as our homeland.

Ages: 8-136910 viewsView DetailsView

Rachel Imenu, Learning To Forgo

To teach the chanichim about (1) Rachel’s unique character, therefore (2) why she’s the only one of our Avot and Imahot who is buried in a different place, as well as (3) why Rachel was the only one who was able to convince Hashem to bring the nation out of exile.

Ages: 8-147382 viewsView DetailsView

Slavery Today


1. Slavery in Egypt

2. What is true slavery and freedom?

3. The impact slavery in Egypt continues to have on us.

Topic: End of Breishit/Beginning of Shmot - Slavery

Ages: 6-147608 viewsView DetailsView

The Security Fence

Aims OF Peula:

·        To learn that there is a security fence and its purpose

·        To understand that

Israel has a right to defend itself and has a deep caring for human life

·        To realise that

Israel has been singled out unfairly

Ages: 10-188503 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article

Dvora Parashat Vayishlach

השליחה האנונימית- לימוד לפרשת וישלח

Ages: 15-1008665 viewsView DetailsView

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Free Pollard
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