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How Is It To Be A Chalutz

In this peula we are going to simulate a chalutz’s attempt to live in

Israel in the 1800’s. The kids will face the same trials and tribulations that the early settlers felt, and they will have to deal with those situations.

Edad: 10-123186 visitasView DetailsVer
Edad: 10-503746 visitasView DetailsVer

Chalutzim And Eretz Yisrael

Tu Bi’shvat =tree planting= the best way to show that Hashem gave US Israel.  (trees show ownership over the land). And who planted trees and settled the land? Chalutzim.

Edad: 4-66439 visitasView DetailsVer
Edad: 10-1813803 visitasView DetailsVer


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