
Kiddush Hashem- 3 Cardinal Sins

Goals: Teach about Shfichut Damim, Gilui Arayot and Avodah Zara, the three cardinal sins. Discuss why, even though life is so sacred, we are obligated to die instead of committing them.

Edad: 10-1610998 visitasView DetailsVer

עלינו לשבח Dvar Torah

Dvar torah sur aleinou leshabeach

Edad: 8-1610752 visitasView DetailsVer
Edad: 7-184807 visitasView DetailsVer
Edad: 10-503435 visitasView DetailsVer

Migdal Bavel

1. To learn the story of the

Tower of


2. To think about the dispersion of the Jewish people today

3. To consider what linked us together in the past and continues to bind us together today

Edad: 4-107757 visitasView DetailsVer


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