Kollel Play

פרטי הקובץ :

סוג פעולה : הצגה בשפה: אנגלית

גילאים 8 - 13

גודל קבוצה 5 - 30

משך הפעולה : 90 דקות

פרטים נוספים...


Kollel play.doc (30 KB)

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האם הורדתם פעולה זו ויש לכם במה לשתף אחרים?
זה המקום!

מטרת הפעולה
Teach the chanachim the story of Yaakovs dream and how Hashem promised us the land of Israel as our homeland.

עזרים נדרשים
  • Yaakov costume
  • Sack
  • Rocks
  • Ladder (with angels on it + G-D + sign saying "Shamayim")
  • Oil

תוכן הפעולה

Kollel Play – mini Shabbaton


Announcer:           welcome to the… Kollel Show! We hope you will enjoy the play.


Yaakov:                (walking with a sack on his back. The sun is going down so Yaakov looks towards the sun)

I see the sun going down, I gotta look for a place to sleep. Where shall I sleep? Does any body have an idea? (turns to the audience)


(Takes rocks from the ground and organizes them in an arrow shape)

I’ll place these stones in an arrow shape, facing my travel direction, so I don’t forget where I am going.

                                (Places the stones and lies down)


Announcer:           Do you want to know what Yaakov is dreaming about?
Does anybody want to guess?

                                O.K., let’s go into his dream and see what’s going on there…


Bring in ladder. On ladder are God and the angels. At top of ladder there is a sign: שמיים)


Yaakov:                  (Sleeping, snoring)


Hashem:                 Yaakov!


Yaakov:                  Hu? What? Z…Z…Z…Z…


Hashem:                 You’re snoring, stop it!


Yaakov:                  Why? Who are you?


Hashem:                 I am Hashem, the God of your fathers Avraham and Yitzchak.


Yaakov:                  You can’t be serious… What, really?


Hashem:                 Yes, I am! By the way, I am your God too.


Yaakov:                  No way… are you sure?


Hashem:                 yup. Now, may I say a few words?


Yaakov:                  Sure. Do you mind if I snore? I’m kinda sleep right know, and I LOVE to snore while sleeping…


Hashem:                 No, you may not snore!


Yaakov:                  O.K. then, what’s on your mind?


Hashem:                 so, as I mentioned, I am the God of your fathers Avraham abd Yitzchak. The land that you are resting upon shall be yours and your children forever and ever!


Yaakov:                  What? That’s it? Only this small peace of land that I am sleeping on?


Hashem:                 NO! Let me finish what I have to say, you will understand.

                                You and your decedents – which will be numerous (many many), like the sand of the land – will inherit everything!

                                (Showing an arrow with directions)

                                In the west…


Yaakov:                  What?! Your gonna throw me and my kids into the Mediterranean sea?


Hashem:                 You think I would do that? Listen up, let me finish.

                                You will also get:

the East (show arrow),

the North (show arrow),

and the South (show arrow).


Yaakov:                  That already sounds better…getting everything is good.

                                Well, is there anything else I get from you?


Hashem:                 Of course! After all, I am your God…


Announcer:           What else did Yaakov get?


Hashem:                 I will be with you along your journey, and I will return you to your homeland. I will guard you – I will be your bodyguard (show pistol) – see, I’ve got a gun! I will not leave you (ties Himself to Yaakov)…


Yaakov:                  thanks a lot, Hashem!

                                (Continues to sleep and snore)


Remove ladder, Hashem, angels and replace stones.


Yaakov:                  (wakes up)

                                The place I slept on is really a holy place!

                                This is שער השמיים, the gate of the skies! (show sign: שער השמיים)

                                This is really a בית אלוקים, the house of God! (show sign: בית אלוקים)

                                I didn’t know that…


Announcer:           Who knows what Yaakov will do next?


Yaakov:                  (takes the stone)

Hey, what’s happening here? When I went to sleep, there were many stones, and now there is only one? They must have fought among themselves, each stone wanting me to rest my head on it, so Hashem must have joined them into one stone!


(Places the stone, takes oil, pours on the stone)

From now on, this place will be names Beit –El, the house of God. (Replace sign: Luz).

If Hashem will indeed keep his word to be with me, to help me and return me to my homeland, if he gives me clothing and food – then he shall definitely be my God!

And this place will be a בית אלוקים, a house of God, and I will give מעשר, offerings to Got from anything he gives me.



Bow down, leave.



פעולות דומות ניתן למצוא גם בקטגוריות הבאות:
» הכל > תורה > פרשת שבוע > בראשית > וישלח
» הכל > ארץ ישראל > קדושת הארץ
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