
Talking Culture

מטרה: התלמיד יבין את חשיבותה של כל מילה שאנו מוציאים מהפה ולכן כמה אנו צריכים להיזהר בלשוננו לא לרכל, להעליב או לפגוע בחבר.

Ages: 9-1013370 viewsView DetailsView

Remembrance And Renewal-yom Ha’atzmaut (peula...

The chanichim should leave the sicha understanding

(1)   The power of Yom Ha’atzmaut – how all these different Jews came together to fight as an Am and why it was it was so important for the Jews in 1948 to have an independent Jewish State.

(2)   The battle for Yom Ha’atzmaut applies to us today and we can only truly appreciate geulah by looking at Yom Ha’atzmaut as part of a cycle of Yom Hashoah and Yom HaZicaron.

Ages: 8-126559 viewsView DetailsView


The chanichim will leave this peula inspired to step up as leaders in their communities and schools. They will gain knowledge of different leadership qualities and how these can be used in positive ways, but also in negative ways. They will be able to apply these leadership traits in different hadracha and life scenarios

Ages: 13-146529 viewsView DetailsView

Miriam And Lashon Hara

To learn about the life of Miriam; To think about the repercussions of what we say and how we say it – Lashon Hara.

Ages: 12-136189 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article
Ages: 1-505761 viewsView DetailsView


The Center for Religious Services in the Diaspora
Education kits for download:

Tishrey kit Tishrey kit
Tishrey kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English

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Kristallnacht kit
Kristallnacht kit
A kit for marking 60 years Kristallnacht which include - Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English
Diffrent quiz about Israel