
The First Alia

מטרה: התלמיד ילמד את נושא העלייה הראשונה

החניך יבין כיצד ניתן ללמוד מאותם אנשים מדהימים לעצמנו וכיצד ניתן ללכת אחרי החלומות והאידיאלים שלנו.

Ages: 14-164155 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-182050 viewsView DetailsView

Ideas For Booths At A Yom Haatzmaut Event

A list of ideas for booths for a Yom HaAtzmaut event

Ages: 6-1811160 viewsView DetailsView

Pesach And Leadership

Goal: The chanichim should think about the importance of leadership and

different leadership styles, and should work together to understand their own

leadership styles and how to grow as leaders individually and together as a

group. Then they can reflect on the different leadership styles of Moshe as he led the Jews out of


Ages: 15-173058 viewsView DetailsView

Ba During The Holocaust

להציף את העובדה שבני עקיבא הייתה קיימת בזמן השואה וכי אנשים פעלו עם התנועה ועל פי ערכי התנועה.

Ages: 12-1514112 viewsView DetailsView


The Center for Religious Services in the Diaspora
Education kits for download:

60 years to Israel kit 60 years to Israel kit
A kit marking 60 years to the State of Israel. Include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvari Torah, etc., in Hebrew and English

Recommended Links

Stories & songs about Chanuka in English & Heberw
Ynet- Encyclopedia
Ynet- Encyclopedia
60 question & 60 answers about Israel
מי היה הרב נריה
מי היה הרב נריה
info about Rav Nerya from Yeshivot Bnei Akiva site